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A Croatian wedding is accompanied by a number of distinctive traditions. It is customary for visitors https://www.wikihow.com/Dating-Tips-for-Chatting-Online to gather at the groom’s home for meals and drinks prior to the ceremony. Then they proceed to the church under the direction of a” Barjaktar,” or flag carrier, who is waving the Croatian flag with great fervor ( much like an exuberant hypeman ). It is also customary to welcome all guests to the wedding by pinning them with thyme sprigs and a red, white, and blue ribbon that represents the Croatian flag during the parade into the cathedral. After receiving their rosemary, guests place money in a container, which is used as payment to get the newlyweds started on their wedding journey.

Before the wife enters the temple, it’s common to observe a deer party or other related event socializing with attendees. When the bride walks down the aisle while tamburasi execute and rakija glasses clink, the groom’s sight will be dazzled by her stunning robes.

The kume and barjaktar are usually the ones to give toasts and speeches during the ceremony. However, it is traditional for all guests to join in with their own toasts as well. Following the ceremony, guests will enjoy a lavish buffetcroatian mail order brides-style dinner and more dancing to tamburasi’s beats. After the meal, it is customary for guests to offer gifts to the newlyweds. Gifts can include anything from money to a carved wooden cross, known as a vor.

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